
Niall Niall Nine

This was produced for the h'award winning Irish music blog Nialler9 to help promo the rather fantastic monthly podcast Niall puts together over there - check out the blog yourself, it brings together music from this fair isle and the best of the rest of international new music. Also the latest podcast has some really great tracks on there, the new one from HEALTH is really top.

Niall also tells the tale of how this image came into fruition, and he's spot on, it was indeed inspired by a crazed, metal loving taxi driver who wanted nothing more than to rock out to AC/DC and tell me that all the music I liked was sheeeite. The podcast should see to him then.

Besides this great bloggin news, I also have a big backlog of stuff that I've done for other people out there but can't show it for a week or so yet, so stay tuned for further music related illustration coming up!